Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Burning Bush

I've heard the story of the burning bush many times, but I never really understood its true message. Or at least a message that I could relate to.

The story of course is quite legendary. The story of Moses alone talks to God through the a flaming bush. God through the bush, tells Moses that it is he who must lead his people out of Egypt. Upon hearing this story in the past I took it as it was, I simple story. God telling Moses to do something . And who wouldn't listen to God? or a burning bush that was talking to you?

But there seemed to be so much more to this story when I heard it recently. Moses doesn't believe himself to be leadership material. This story is God's first big pep talk. God inspires Moses... he doesn't command him... he persuades him... He reasons with him. And Moses responds.... it is the first step that every leader must take. It is a step that only leads forward and not backward.

And lead Moses does. He needs to lead with persuasion and conviction... and he does.

That is the lesson I learned. Leading is a vision, then sharing the vision with passion and conviction and even ruffling feathers along the way.

The Burning Bush is inside of us all.