Thursday, January 3, 2013

Ask Not

John F. Kennedy so famously said, "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country".  One of Kennedy's most oft quoted lines from his inaugural address.  It was a powerful statement because it reaffirmed America's credo, namely, government isn't the solution to our problems, "We the People" are the solution to our problems.  

I was thinking of this quote however as a more religious statement.  Specifically, ask not what God can do for you- Ask what you can do for God.  And I think this is just as powerful and as meaningful.  I have thought for years that God does things in response to my actions.  So if I was good, God would be good to me.  However, I have come to realize that my focus was completely in the wrong place.  Instead I should work day in, and day out, to do honor to God, not the other way around.  And to really ask not what he can do for me in return.  I should do good and honorable things for God. Period.  So when God puts obstacles in your way, they are challenges to overcome and overcoming them does honor to God.  This philosophy is one that gives the individual freedom from selfishness and provides inspiration and focus to my daily life.
Amen....As an aside, it is historically interesting to note that JFK's little brother Teddy, the Liberal Lion of the Senate was probably the biggest detractor of JFK's most famous statement by advocating for policies that encouraged government dependency.As an aside, it is historically interesting to note that JFK's little brother Teddy, the Liberal Lion of the Senate was probably the biggest detractor of JFK's most famous statement by advocating for policies that encouraged government dependency.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Two Gifts

God gives us two gifts when we are born:  Talents and weaknesses.

You may think the latter is not a gift, but I think it may be the most valuable because it will hold the key to your success.

Talents come in many ways.  You could have speed as a runner, you could solve math problems quickly, you could be good at remembering facts, and on and on.  Many people go through life dismissing their talents, or pursuing talents that are not suited for achieving a level of wealth to support their desires and families.  Now I am not saying that talents are all about making money, but it is kind of important.  Using your talents to obtain money to live on is no sin.  So, what I am saying in a nutshell is that you need to identify your talents early, hone them, and then leverage them to produce successful ventures that will bear fruit.

Weaknesses on the other hand our gifts as well, in the sense that overcoming them is just as rewarding as developing your talents.  And likewise it is very important to discover them early and do all you can to minimize their effects to ruin your life.  For example, a person with an addictive personality, whereby they become intoxicated frequently, etc. needs to identify this weakness and seek help quickly.  Recognizing ones upbringing can be important in identifying these possible traits.  A home with addiction for example tends to breed addiction, most likely from genetic standpoint.  Overcoming weaknesses like talent needs constant pruning and attention.

And so I plan on expanding my talents and controlling my weaknesses.

This may be my last post for some time.  For anyone that has been paying attention to any of this, be assured, I am doing well and with my own self determination and God's Grace I hope to continue to honor God, by doing good works to benefit my fellow man.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It is May 31st...

Today is the day, I once again commit myself to being a better husband, better father, better colleague, a better teacher, and a better Christian.

I have staked a landmark on this date.

Mind.... body... spirit...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Templar Truth

The road to the promised land always goes through enemy territory.

Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year

It is a the eve of a new year, and it is always important to reflect on your year.

Here are my initial thoughts. This year brought wonderous things, and yet has me stretched thin. Thin to a point of breaking I feel.

But I shall carry on... forge ahead, because the projects I am involved in are good ones.

I am committed to the following:

Making a better effort to help around the house.

Work on being a better listener, especially to my wife.

Work on avoiding gossip and petty politics at all costs, and being brave enough to voice my opinion when needed.

Being a better father by taking time each day to help and spend time with my daughters.

Doing the right thing....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Templars

Have been attending a training on Covey's 7 habits. Habit two is about setting goals to improve areas in your life. One of mine is to become a better father and husband. A Templar Man's goal indeed

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Amazing Grace

I never quite understood the words to the song, "Amazing Grace"... but now I know.

I was lost but now I'm found...

I think the answers we need to find for redemption lie beyond ourselves.

Feels good to be home