Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Templar Man Society Code

I guess it is time to start thinking of a code for my new way of thinking...

But where to begin.  I thought that perhaps the answers to change could be found in religion.  As a Christian and since the Templars were indeed Christian in make up, that would be a good place to start.

As lesson I learned when I was young.  At 12 years old I played little league.  Baseball has always been a sport that I didn't feel comfortable playing..  Similar to golf, the variables to me seem so hard to control.  My last year in little league was a very successful one.  I started hitting.  My fielding was getting better.  I was able to scoop up a grounder and get someone out at first.  Hitting was pretty good too.  I seemed to see the ball be able to react to it as well.  However, as I hit my first "slump" I was unable to figure out how to correct it.  My baseball coaches, who certainly were kind men, didn't really have the patience or the know how to help me work out my desperate at bats.  So I thought that if I prayed that God would help me.  So before each game I prayed.   The strange thing was, that it didn't help at all.  In fact it got worse. 

So at this young age, I tried the reverse.  I remember thinking at the time... maybe God has better things to do than to help me with hitting.  So I didn't pray, and bang.  The hits started coming.  I was convinced that God wanted me to see that I had control over my life.  I had that power.  Asking him to do everything was essentially cheating, and realistically holding me back from achieving on my own.  And since then, I have always felt that God helps those who help themselves.  Years, later when I took that course in Sports Psychology I learned about a concept called the Locus Of Control.  Simply put, it is the perspective of how one sees their ability to change their circumstances.  Those with a low Locus of Control feel that they are simply feathers in the wind.  Blown about by circumstances and that only luck and hope can keep them afloat.  However, those with a high Locus of Control see themselves as agents of change in their own lives.  Thus, this reinforced my ideas gained so long ago on the baseball field.

I believe wholeheartedly that we have the ability to change our destiny.  To rise above our circumstances, however desperate they may be, and when we look within ourselves and take responsibility for our actions and outcomes... we can make lasting changes for ourselves, and feel good about it.

So rule number one of the Code of the Templar Man Society. 

I believe that I can make change happen in my life for the better.

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